This post will tell you how to create a desktop shortcut for Yahoo! mail. Going to the Yahoo! mail again and again can be painful. But you can always create a desktop shortcut to access your Yahoo! mail in just a click. In case you need to create an important mail and send, shortcuts can be really very useful. So read on the below mentioned steps to learn how to create a desktop shortcut for Yahoo!. 1. Right click on your desktop anywhere. Don’t click on any icon. Just click on the blank screen. 2. Go to New>Shortcut 3. Click on the ‘Location of item’ and in the field type the following: 4. Click on ‘Next’ and assign a name to your shortcut. For example- Yahoo! mail compose. 5. Click on OK to save the change and make a shortcut. 6. Check the box given next to ‘Keep me signed in’ when you’re logging in to Yahoo! mail. This will prevent the hassle of entering your login details again and again. Related Post:
This post will guide you on how to create an avatar for your Yahoo! messenger. As the name suggest, Yahoo! Avatars is the feature that allows you to create an avatar and use it place of your contact picture. You can create your avatar as per your choice. You can pick up the clothes, hairstyle and facial features. your avatars can also express your moods when you’re chatting with your friends. To create a Yahoo! avatar, follow the below mentioned steps. 1. Go to 2. Enter your login details and sign-in to your Yahoo! account. 3. Click on the button ‘Create My Avatar button’. 4. A window will be opened which will show the necessary options needed to create an avatar like appearance, apparels, backgrounds extras and branded. 5. You can also preview your avatar in real time to see how it will look like. 6. Click on ‘Save Changes’ when done. Related Post: The procedure to configure your Yahoo Mail under Internet Browser Firefox is as Follows
1. Click Tools>> Options 2. Click on ‘Application’ tab 3. Type ‘mailto’ in Search Field 4. Your "Mailto" entry will be displayed right below 5. Click on the arrow shaped icon in the Action pane 6. And choose your Default mail service, i.e., Yahoo Mail 7. Click on OK to Validate the option 8. That is all you need to do to configure your Yahoo Mail under Internet Browser Firefox. Related Post: The benefit of configuring email accounts is that you get access to many email accounts in one place which makes it convenient for user to switch from one account to other. In this peace of Write up, we will tell you how you can configure your Yahoo! Mail account in Outlook. Steps to configure your Yahoo! Account: 1. Choose "Email Accounts" in Tools Menu 2. Click Add a new email account> “Next” 3. Select "POP3" and click "Next" 4. Visit "User Information" section 5. Type your full name in the given field “Your Name". 6. Enter your email address in the field labelled "Email address". 7. Enter your server name in Incoming mail server (POP3)". The server name should match your email address. Suppose your email address is [email protected], type in "michael@ 8. Enter your server name in outgoing mail server (SMTP) also. Again the server name should match your email address. Suppose your email address is [email protected], type in "michael@ 9. When done, go to the "Logon information" section and in the field labeled "User name", enter your current Yahoo! username only (e.g. johnsmith). 10. In the field labeled "Password", enter your current password and check the option "Remember password". How to know your Yahoo Mail account is working in Outlook: After configuring your Yahoo! Mail account in Out Look, your first intention will be to know is your account working or not. To verify is your Yahoo! Mail account working in Outlook, follow this simple procedure, you will come to know about it. 1. Visit "Test Account Settings", you will be informed about the missing information if any. You have an option to correct it. 2. Now visit more settings> General tab 3. Click on Mail Account 4. Enter "Yahoo! Mail" 5. "Outgoing Server" tab > "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication". When done, choose "Next" and click "Finish" Click here more Details: Related Post: In this post you will learn how to configure POP3 for Outlook, Eudora and Thunderbird. Yahoo! mail was one amongst the earliest email provider companies to cater free web based email services to its customers. Now the technology has hit its new high, so it has now been made possible to access the Yahoo! mailbox through the client versions of mail software like Outlook, Eudora and Thunderbird. There are two methods to access Yahoo! mailbox with the client versions: one is to start off the Yahoo! Direct and make use of web and POP access provided under the mail options. And the other method is to generate a doorway among these client versions and Yahoo! mail by combining the POP3 and HTTP servers that provides uninterrupted connectivity. Method 1: Activate the Yahoo! Direct Option : 1. Go to your Yahoo! mail account. 2. On the top right corner, go to the ‘Mail’ options. 3. Open the ‘POP access and transfer’ on the new window. 4. You will see a Yahoo Direct registration page. 5. Fill the necessary details in the required fields and follow the instructions. 6. Click on the ‘Web and Pop Access’ option on the last screen. 7. Configure the email client you want. Method 2: Use the Alternate Options in Place of Yahoo! Direct Many applications are available now that act as a doorway between the email clients and Yahoo! mail by providing a POP3 server interface on one end and HTTP client interface on the other end. Related Post: The information about the recent Yahoo account login is recorded in “Recent activity”. It records the locations and the exact login time for Yahoo accounts. This information can be later used to verify any unauthorized access to the user account. Procedure to check last login details in “Recent activity” section is as follows: 1. Visit Yahoo account info 2. Click on ‘Recent activity’ 3. Recent login’s will show on screen 4. It is built on sections including.
Related Post: In this article you will learn how to change name on Yahoo!. Sometimes, we happen to set a username on Yahoo! that we regret later. Or a typo can spoil our username and it can create a bad impression if you’re using the account for professional purpose. But thanks to Yahoo! mail that it has flexible features that allows you to change your name on your Yahoo! mail account. Read on to know how to change name on Yahoo! 1. Go to on your browser. Log in to your account using your username and password. 2. Go to options and then mail options. 3. Click on the Yahoo! mail option given just below the ‘Mail Accounts’. 4. In the ‘Sender name’ section, type the name you want to keep. 5. Click on OK to confirm the name. 6. Your name will be changed for the future outgoing emails. Related Post: It is easy to block a contact a troublesome or suspicious contact on Yahoo! Mail. One way to get rid of any suspicious contact is to use a Spam Filter to block his/her mails. But Spam Filter won’t be enough to keep the contact at bay. Yahoo! mail has a capacity to block more than 500 suspicious contacts for you. The procedure to block a contact on Yahoo Mail is as follows: 1. Login to your account 2. Open an email from the suspicious sender 3. Click on the Senders name and select copy address 4. Click on Gear icon 5. Select Settings and choose addresses to block 6. Paste addresses into Add an Address field 7. Hit Block and click on Save 8. That is all you need to block a person. You can unblock this contact anytime by choosing Name and click Remove. Related Post: Want to view your emails while having one opened? With the shortage of time, everyone wants to multitask, and there’s nothing bad about it. So why don’t you make your email a part of this? You won’t face any problem while multitasking when you’re using the Yahoo! Preview Pane. Enable the Preview Pane in Yahoo! to scroll through your inbox while reading an email. You can enable the feature and disable it from the ‘Settings’ menu as per your convenience. Read on to know how to Enable the Preview Pane in Yahoo! Mail.
Preview pane shown at the bottom: Show the preview pane at the bottom of the messages
Putting a meaningful quote or your contact information at the end of the email is a useful aspect of the email. It can be in the form of your name, company name, etc. providing your contact details or company name can be another means to promote your business. Plus, it will help the receiver to contact you by other means than emails. If you prefer sending your emails with a default closing signature every time, you can do it easily using Yahoo! mail. So through this tutorial, you can learn how to Create a signature in Yahoo! mail.
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